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venerdì, agosto 04, 2017

Dataedo software, Part 04: Importing objects - 01

It's time to see how the software works. In my previous post, I saw that is possible to connect to the database with a user and retrieve the metadata of another user. This is a very important feature because you don't need to know the password of the application in order to write some documents.

For example, you can have the "apexuser", for the application and "docuser" for documenting all objects of the application. Because of this, I use the "nagios" user (I use it for monitoring the db) for almost the analysis on the database, so I'm going to do the same in this case.

At this step, it takes a lot of time. Why? I'm curious. So I query the database in order to discover what is happening.

First of all, I have to know what there is when Dataedo is not connected.

This is me connected to database through SQL*Plus from my PC. Now I can check what happening

Ok. Nothing to report: I expect this kind of wait event. And because of my curiosity, I check also the statements running on the database. As I expect there is a where condition like


So, the wait time during the import is just because Dataedo is reading the data dictionary: more objects you have to import more time you have to wait.

This is what I have after the import

Just to be sure I check the number of objects querying the database

Objects from database

Unfortunately, the Dataedo 5 doesn't support SEQUENCEs, PACKAGEs. But what about INDEXes and TRIGGERs? Here I see that there are 178 TRIGGERS and 1296 INDEXES. It seems that Dataedo hasn't imported them.



2017/08/04 - About SEQUENCEs, PACKAGEs and INDEXes, Dataedo tell: we don’t import indexes yet. We are still concerning it, as well as with the sequences and packages. But the indexes are on the top of those three

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