The window lets me choose what I have to create. Because I'm using Oracle database I choose "File repository -> New file repository"
I choose the "File location" and the "File name"
At this time I have to insert the license
This is the email with serial key, that Dataedo sent me.
Email with license key |
The Main page shows as
and on the left side
Ok. but how can I connect to the Oracle? There isn't some button or tab where I find "New connection". So I need help
Help |
The "Tutorial" link, send me to the tutorial page
Tutorial page |
Oracle Documentation page |
How to connect |
Wow. Really simple. I need to check the connection I want to use. In order to do this I use tnsping on my PC
At this point I can fill the blank. Because I'm connecting to a RAC, I use the scan listener
Connecting to Oracle 12cR1 RAC, using SCAN Listener |
The nagios user has just 2 tables
and I choose of importing nothing
This is how Dataedo appears after the login
Nagios view |
Just to be sure, I check on the database which objects the nagios user own:
Perfect: just 2 tables. Because I didn't imported the tables, and because my user has nothing else, Dataedo shows me nothing. The interesting thing is that after I clicked on "Refresh view" button, the connection to the database, appear 2 times.
Not a real problem: I just dropped the second one, click. I create a new connection using the system user, and after the refresh ("Refresh view" button), I again have two connections for this last user.
My suspect is that this is because I'm connected to a RAC 2 nodes. So if a RAC is of 6 or 12 or more instances, I'll have 6, 12 or more connections?
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